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Donate to our Community:
No Survivor left Behind Campaign 

The "No Survivors Left Behind" campaign is a vital initiative within the Healing and CPTSD community, dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to the Community Hub, regardless of financial circumstances. This campaign aims to raise funds to provide scholarships for those who cannot afford membership, allowing them to access the support, resources, and connection the hub offers. By contributing to this campaign, you’re helping to create a space where survivors of complex trauma can find healing, understanding, and empowerment, ensuring that no one is left behind on their journey to recovery. Together, we can make the community accessible to all who need it.

This community was born out of a need for connection with people who just get it.

I created Healing & C-PTSD for the following reasons:


  • To raise awareness for C-PTSD

  • To advocate for those who are suffering

  • To create a bridge for resources and support

  • To make sure of one thing...that you don’t feel alone.



Chances are, you stumbled across Healing & C-PTSD because you saw a post that spoke to your reality unlike ever before.  Maybe we helped you feel seen for the first time, or our post put words to what you've never been able to explain. Maybe you were recently diagnosed with c-ptsd and we helped you realize there were more people just like you out there. Maybe we helped you discover what c-ptsd is, and for the first time you realized there was nothing wrong with you. Maybe you believe in my mission and advocacy efforts. Maybe you see yourself where I was (alone, without support, wanting to connect with others who finally understood me.)


If any of this feels like you, I’m asking you to breathe light into this mission so that others can find relief, too. 

This community runs on your support...We can’t do it without you.​


All donations go to supporting our community. 




"you are helping shift a very important conversation in healing; normalizing it. I am so grateful for what you share, I feel like i'm not alone within my trauma anymore."

"you have helped me make connections and gain insight to myself and my healing in so many ways and it is giving me the confidence to speak louder as I find my voice."

"thank you for this truly safe place, I have learned so much and felt so seen through this community. It is helping me deal with my traumas in a more healthy manner"

"I love that you share information from various sources, I follow so many more amazing accounts that I found through your community!"

"you are sharing such relatable content. talking about trauma is so important and i'm so glad to see people who do that!"


"I absolutely adore your account, thank you for doing this, it's helping so many people and you are having such an impact"


"your page is refreshing to those still dealing with trauma to assure them they are not alone. thank you"



"i just wanted to tell you how much I love your account and how it's helped me realize more about myself and my past than ever. thank you so much!"

"It's heartbreaking there are so many of us, but This page and community validates my experiences and motivates me to keep pushing for healing"

"love your page and its constant drip of useful stuff. feel like it makes the slow, steady difference, which is what i need to make lasting change"

"I have seen things here that explained what I was going through & couldn’t make sense of before.  validated my thoughts, feelings and experiences."

"Having a sense of community in such darkness with reminders that healing is possible has been truly life saving"


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